Raspberry Pi: Controlling your wall sockets

In this post I will describe 2 methods to operate “remote controlled sockets” via the Raspberry Pi. The methods differ in the used software. Both methods use C as development language and compile to native Raspberry Pi code (ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked). The prerequisites and wiring are the… Continue reading Raspberry Pi: Controlling your wall sockets

Raspberry Pi: Your cheap Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver

AIS tracking at December 29th 2015 - 17:05h - Saffira, Wilhelmina Arina, RWS 27,Kansas City, Roeroord, Residence, and Alcyon.

In this tutorial you will learn how to teach your Raspberry Pi to become a brave Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver. What is AIS? The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automatic tracking system used on/for ships. It transmits information like identification, position, course and speed. Ingredients Raspberry Pi (2 model B) DVB-T-DAB-FM receiver Client… Continue reading Raspberry Pi: Your cheap Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver