Parallel bash scripts – waiting for completion

Assume we would like to execute several independent tasks in parallel and we would like to wait till these tasks are completed. For example we would like to copy a set of files to several (remote) hosts and get a signal when we are ready with this copying task to ALL hosts so we can… Continue reading Parallel bash scripts – waiting for completion

Cisco type 8 and 9 password hashes calculated using Java

In this article I will discuss three types of algorithms used by Cisco to calculate hashes from plain-text passwords, namely: Type 4, Type 5, Type 8 and Type 9. Back in the year 2013, the Type 4 algorithm was proven insecure because of an implementation error. The algorithm does not use PBKDF2 and does not… Continue reading Cisco type 8 and 9 password hashes calculated using Java

Recept: Gestoofde sucadelappen met ketjap saus

Recept Babi Ketjap door Felix Wilbrink / Onno Kampen. Gepubliceerd februari 2017 in De Telegraaf. Klik op de afbeelding om de tekst te lezen.

Als basis voor dit recept geldt het recept van Felix Wilbrink / Onno Kampen, genaamd: “Babi Ketjap“. Dit recept werd ter ere van de tentoonstelling “De wereld van de VOC” in het Nationaal archief in Den Haag gepubliceerd in De Telegraaf. Zie bijgevoegde afbeelding. Dit recept heb ik bereid zoals beschreven stond echter het was… Continue reading Recept: Gestoofde sucadelappen met ketjap saus

Run ZoneMinder in a CHROOTed environment

In this post you will learn how to run  ZoneMinder at your VU+ Solo2 satellite receiver in a  CHROOTed environment to monitor your Foscam FI9805W webcam. Meanwhile you are simply creating a LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL and PHP)-configuration at your VU+ Solo2 and even a building environment. Steps in this tutorial Bootstrap a basic Debian system; Prepare CHROOTed-environment… Continue reading Run ZoneMinder in a CHROOTed environment