Gouden regels voor beleggen

Dit artikel zal ingaan op enkele gouden regels die in de beleggingswereld worden toegepast. Belasting Zelf ben ik rond 1997 geïnteresseerd geraakt in beleggen. In die tijd gold in Nederland een belastingstelsel waarbij het liquide vermogen onbelast was (spaargeld) maar dat een rente van boven de 1000 gulden wel werd belast. Toen waren hoge rentes… Continue reading Gouden regels voor beleggen

Miscellaneous Questions and Answers

Author wetwebwork

In this article several issues related to Linux and applications will be discussed. The format will be in a question and answer based manner. For questions regarding Android, please check the article: Android: Questions and Answers For questions regarding Raspberry Pi, please check the article: Raspberry Pi: Questions and Answers Linux Linux is a Unix-like… Continue reading Miscellaneous Questions and Answers

Run ZoneMinder in a CHROOTed environment

In this post you will learn how to run  ZoneMinder at your VU+ Solo2 satellite receiver in a  CHROOTed environment to monitor your Foscam FI9805W webcam. Meanwhile you are simply creating a LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL and PHP)-configuration at your VU+ Solo2 and even a building environment. Steps in this tutorial Bootstrap a basic Debian system; Prepare CHROOTed-environment… Continue reading Run ZoneMinder in a CHROOTed environment